Rabu, 14 Januari 2009



Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Dicari muslim/muslimah yang ulet, jujur dan tekun untuk dididik menjadi Pengusaha Farmasi Islam yang akan dibekali keahlian terapi Thibbun Nabawy (Pengobatan Nabi) antara lain

  1. KOnsep pengobatan Syari'ah
  2. sign of hand
  3. Iridologi
  4. Theori Ibnu Sina terapi
  5. Al hijamah
  6. Herbalogi
  7. Farmakologi herba
  8. fito teraphi
  9. Entrpreneurship
  10. peluang income 2,5 - 10 jta/bln
Bila anda berminat hubungi Sun'an/ Abu Aqila 03177107114/085731472455
atau kirim email ke abuaqila_78@yahoo.com

wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

supported by
HPA dan Ikatan Pengusaha Farmasi Islam Indonesia (IPFI) Jatim

2 komentar:

bani jawi mengatakan...

gambar profil anda menggambarkan 'one eye'... the dajjal ...

jenny mengatakan...

In their room, they hear uproarious, unyielding hitting against their entryway and the entryway to the nearby room, and they get mysterious phonecalls. David educates Mason regarding the circumstance, and Mason says he'll deal with it. Back in the room, David searches for something to do, and observes a portion of the tapes that were left over their room's TV. From the outset https://www.assignmentdone.co.uk/ they appear to be blood and gore films—yet then David acknowledges they are snuff movies that were made in their room. He look through the room, finds concealed surveillance cameras, and infers that Mason is watching them